Setting up a Hugo blog with GitLab and CloudFlare
Hugo gets a lot of attention these days, it is basically snapping at the Jekyll' heels which is still the king of the hill! I don't know if Hugo' popularity coupled with the fastest static-site-generator statement, but for me "speed" is not the issue at all. A personal blog normally has few hundreds posts, not even close to thousands to be worried about slowness.
Then if it is not for speed then why did I choose Hugo? Because it became a solid product with a crowded community and all the common features available. (To be honest I also got an illusion that one day I might start sharpen my Go skills through Hugo as well).
As you already noticed, this blog is powered by Hugo, is running on GitLab pages, with SSL certificate from CloudFlare and costs me $0. And I would like to write down the key pieces that'll probably be of help on your path to a zero-cost personal blog/cv/landing/etc.